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Heartbreaking news

The cautious hope of treatment we received last week has been dashed and we are left reeling and devastated. The night before treatment day, Tuesday night, Robin had a very difficult night with pain, breathlessness, diarrhoea and increased fluid buildup. At the clinic on Wednesday morning, the oncologist was not happy for the treatment to be administered without finding out the cause for the quite sudden worsening of these symptoms and sent us to the hospital across the road for a CT scan. 

Long story short, the cancer has progressed significantly in the liver and there is spread into the peritoneal area and lungs. The conclusion of this is that treatment is no longer an option and the focus is now on palliative care. While we had many thoughts and conversations over the past few weeks about deterioration and worsening disease, this has still come as a huge shock, and we are heartbroken, especially as the oncologist thinks Robin may only have weeks left. We have for so long held onto the smallest shreds of hope, and worked so hard on remaining positive that this news is difficult to adjust to. 

This incredibly difficult news does give us clarity and we are now focussing on keeping Robin as comfortable, and spending as much time together, as possible. Our children and grandchildren are all coming up over the next day or so and staying as long as possible, and we are hopeful we will have quality and memorable time being together. 

We would love to have anyone visit and really appreciate any support and love. If you’d like to pop in please contact one of the family members to arrange timing that suits Robin best. 

We continue to ask for your prayers for us all, that we may may feel God with us every step of this difficult journey.

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